(Version -2)
Table of Contents
1.0 Home 6
2.0 Customer Sign Up 8
2.1 Sign Up via OTP 9
2.2 Sign Up via Gmail 9
2.3 Sign Up via Facebook 10
2.4 Sign Up via LinkedIn 11
3.0 Customer Login 12
3.2 Login via Gmail 13
3.3 Login via Facebook 14
3.4 Login via LinkedIn 15
4.0 Customer Profile & Change Password 16
4.1 Customer Profile 16
5.0 Customer Saved Address 17
5.1 Add New Address 18
5.2 Edit / Delete Address 19
5.3 Mark As Primary 19
6.0 Customer Notification Preferences 20
7.0 Customer - List of services available & its each type 21
8.0 Customer Search service by Service Name 22
9.0 Customer Book Service 22
9.1 Booking via All Services 22
9.1.1 Service Details 23
9.1.2 Change address 24
9.1.3 Date & Time 24
9.1.3 Payment 25
9.2 Booking via Cart 27
9.3 Booking via Home Page 29
9.3.1 Service Details 30
9.3.2 Date & Time 31
9.3.3 Verify OTP 32
9.3.4 Payment 32
9.4 Quick Booking 34
9.4.1 Service Details 35
9.4.2 Service date 37
9.4.3 Verify OTP 37
9.4.4 Payment 39
9.5 Recurrent Booking 40
9.5.1 Service Details 40
9.5.2 Date & Time & Day 41
9.5.3 Payment 42
10.0 Customer My Bookings 43
10.1 Active Tab 43
10.1 .1 Inprogress Bookings 43
10.1.2 Upcoming Bookings 44
10.1.3 Pending Bookings 45
10.2 Completed Tab 45
10.2.1 Completed Bookings 45
10.2.2 Buy Again 46
10.3 Canceled Tab 46
10.3.1 Unallotted Bookings 46
10.3.2 Unprocessed Bookings 47
10.3.3 Cancellation Initiated Bookings 47
10.3.4 Canceled Bookings 48
10.4 Booking filters 48
10.4.1 Search filter 49
10.4.2 Status filter 49
10.4.3 Sort filter 50
11.0 Track my booking & Booking Details 51
11.1 Track My Booking 51
11.2 Booking Details 52
11.3 Dispute 53
12.0 Cancel / Reschedule Booking 54
12.1 Reschedule Booking 55
12.2 Cancel Booking 55
13.0 Customer Invoice 56
14.0 Customer Wallet 57
15.0 Vendor Sign Up 58
15.1 Vendor Login 62
15.2 Forgot & Reset Password 64
15.3 Vendor Dashboard 65
15.4 Vendor Profile, Change Password and Service enable / remove request 66
15.4.1 Vendor Profile 66
15.4.2 Change Password 67
15.4.3 Service Enable / Disable from Profile 68
15.5 User Management 68
15.5.1 Staff Creation 68
15.5.2 Operational Staff 70
15.5.3 Financial Staff 70
15.5.4 Service Staff 70
15.5.5 Assigned Staff 71
15.5.6 Unassigned Staff 71
15.6 Pricing Management 71
15.7 Orders 73
15.7.1 All Orders 73
15.7.2 New Orders 74
15.7.3 Assigned Orders 74 Track Order 74
15.7.4 Inprogress orders 76
15.7.5 Completed Orders 76
15.7.6 Canceled Orders 76
15.7.7 Refunded Orders 77
15.7.8 Watchlist 77
16.0 Invoice Management 77
16.1 Vendor Frequency - Daily , Weekly, Monthly for Invoice Payout 78
17.0 Earnings 78
18.0 Reviews 79
19.0 Reports 80
20.0 Bell Notification 81
21.0 Admin Login 82
22.0 Admin 83
22.1 Admin Users 83
22.2 Admin Notifications 85
22.3 Admin Role 85
23.0 Admin - Orders 86
24.0 Admin - Customer Transactions 89
25.0 Admin - Templates 91
26.0 Admin - Reports 91
27.0 Admin - Complaints / Disputes 92
28.0 Admin - Service Category 92
28.1 Steps to Approve the service 93
29.0 Admin - Refunds 96
30.0 Admin - Pricing Management - Create Rate 98
31.0 Admin - User Management 99
31.1 Customer Management 99
31.2 Live Customers 101
31.3 Non-Live Customers 101
32.0 Invoice Management 101
33.0 Admin Vendor Management 102
33.1 Pricing 103
33.2 Vendor 103
33.3 Service Staff 105
33.4 Operational Staff 106
33.5 Financial Staff 106
34.0 Reviews Management 107
34.1 All Reviews 107
34.2 Customer Reviews 108
34.3 Staff Reviews 109
34.4 Review Question 109
35.0 Subscribers List 110
36.0 Admin - Discount 112
36.1 Service Based Discount Creation 112
36.2 Cleaning Service Special Discount 114
37.0 Admin Static Pages 115
38.0 Service Settings 116
39.0 Admin General Settings 117
39.1 Checklist 117
39.2 Currency 119
39.3 Location 119
39.4 Questions 120
39.3 Site Config 121
1.0 Home
Home page contains following parts
Sign Up,
Quick booking
Our Services
Browse Offers
Figure: Home Page
2.0 Customer Sign Up
Customers can Sign Up using OTP, Gmail, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Figure: Customer Sign Up
2.1 Sign Up via OTP
Give valid phone number and click ‘Send OTP’(UAE country is the default one for phone
Note: This is a unique field and we can not use the same phone number for two different
Enter the OTP code and click ‘Confirm’
If the code is invalid the application will raise the error message.
For the valid code, the customer will get successfully registered into Dpw World Security Service
and the user will be redirected to the profile page.
Figure: Sign Up via OTP
2.2 Sign Up via Gmail
Select Login with Google
Enter email address and password or Choose your Google account
For the valid credentials, the customer will get successfully registered into Dpw World Security
Figure: Sign Up via Gmail
2.3 Sign Up via Facebook
Select Login with Facebook
Enter the facebook login credentials
If you don’t have facebook account, click create new account and fill all the details
For the valid credentials, the customer will get successfully registered into Dpw World Security
Figure: Sign Up via Facebook
2.4 Sign Up via LinkedIn
Select Login with LinkedIn
Enter the LinkedIn login credentials
If you don’t have LinkedIn account, click join now and fill all the details
For the valid credentials, the customer will get successfully registered into Dpw World Security
Figure: Sign Up via LinkedIn
After sign up,admin will there be a record created
3.0 Customer Login
Customers can Login using OTP, Gmail, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Figure: Customer Login
3.1 Login via OTP
Give valid phone number and click ‘Send OTP’ (UAE country is the default one for phone
Enter the OTP code and click ‘Confirm’
If the code is invalid the application will raise the error message.
For the valid code, the customer will successfully login into Dpw World Security Service.
Figure: Login via OTP
3.2 Login via Gmail
Select Login with Google
Enter email address and password or Choose your Google account
For the valid credentials, the customer will successfully login into Dpw World Security Service
Figure: Login via Gmail
3.3 Login via Facebook
Select Login with Facebook
Enter the facebook login credentials
If you don’t have facebook account, click create new account and fill all the details
For the valid credentials, the customer will successfully login into Dpw World Security Service
Figure: Login via Facebook
3.4 Login via LinkedIn
Select Login with LinkedIn
Enter the LinkedIn login credentials
If you don’t have LinkedIn account, click join now and fill all the details
For the valid credentials, the customer will successfully registered into Dpw World Security
Figure: Login via LinkedIn
4.0 Customer Profile & Change Password
4.1 Customer Profile
All the registered & logged customers are able to access their profile. During registering whatever
information given by the customer, those details are automatically pre-filled in their profile page. Here
they can modify their details at any time.
Note: Phone number and email will not be editable since it is used as login credentials.
Figure : Customer Profile
5.0 Customer Saved Address
Customer can add one or more addresses here. They can make any one of the addresses as
primary address. They can edit or remove their address any time.
Figure: Customer Saved Address
5.1 Add New Address
This section contains the following required fields
Address Name
Address Details
Customer First Name
Customer Last Name
Phone Number
Once filled all the required fields, click Save.
Figure: Add New Address
5.2 Edit / Delete Address
Once we mouse over the address, we can find the edit and delete option. Users can edit or delete the
address details anytime they want.
Figure: Edit/ Delete Address
5.3 Mark As Primary
The first address created by the user is marked as primary address by default. We can change any
address as the primary address by clicking the address box.
Figure: Mark As Primary
6.0 Customer Notification Preferences
Here we can choose the notification preferences as email / sms / both. By default both email
and sms will be selected.
Based on the notification preferences the email/sms will be sent for a wide variety of events
that may occur for example booking a service and completion of a service
Figure: Customer Notification Preferences
7.0 Customer - List of services available & its each type
For now we are providing 13 types of services as follows:
AC Duct Cleaning Service
Beauty and Grooming Service(we shall remove based on email request)
Carpet Cleaning Service
Cleaning Service
Deep Cleaning Service
Disinfection Service
Dry Cleaning Service
HandyMan Service
Men's Salon Service
Moving and Packing Service
Pest Control Service
Sofa Cleaning Service
Women's Salon Service
Figure: List of Services
8.0 Customer Search service by Service Name
On the header we can find the search tab. Here we can search all the services by using its service name.
Once we click that service name, the user will be redirected to that particular service booking page.
Figure: Search Service
9.0 Customer Book Service
Admin needs to create a rate for all the services. If there is no rate present or the created rate is not
matching to the location you have selected for a particular service, you can not book that service.
There are two ways to booking a service
Booking via all services
Bulk booking via cart
Booking via home page(Before login)
Quick Booking
9.1 Booking via All Services
From the list of services choose any one then the application will be redirected to the location page. By
default it will be filled with current location details. If we want, we can change those location details.
Mandatory fields:
Select Location - The list of locations which is created by admin
Building Name
Figure: Selecting Location
Once filling the location details click Continue. If the rate is present for the location we have selected,
the application will redirect into that particular service booking page or else the application will raise an
alert message asWe are not providing this service in this location’.
Booking a service contains 3 sections listed below,
Service Details
Change Address
9.1.1 Service Details
Subcategories listed
Add-ons if present
Additional details
Once filled the service details click Next.
Figure: Service Details
9.1.2 Change address
We can change the address by clicking the change address in the address box.
9.1.3 Date & Time
Date calendar
Time slot
Once filled the Date & Time click Make Payment. If you want to add to cart click Add to cart, the booking
will be saved into Cart Page.
Figure: Date&Time
9.1.3 Payment
Once we click Make Payment the application will be redirected into the Rosoom Payment page.
Once we select the credit card terms and conditions will get enabled.
Select terms and conditions and click Agree & Pay
Fill Your payment details
Card Type
Card Number
Expiry Month
Expiry Date
Click Next and review the payment details
Click Pay
Enter your VISA password and click next
For the successful transaction the booking will be created under the My Bookings -> Upcoming
If any transaction issues, the booking will go under the My Bookings -> Pending tab, we can
make the payment again by clicking Make Payment.
Figure: Payment
Once a customer made a payment for the service, then in admin under “Customer Transactions” 1
record generated which along with “View Invoice” option.
9.2 Booking via Cart
Add to cart bookings will be listed in the cart page. We can pay for all the bookings which are listed in
the cart at once.
Click Proceed to checkout and the application will be redirected into the Rosoom Payment page.
Once we select the credit card terms and conditions will get enabled.
Select terms and conditions and click Agree & Pay
Fill Your payment details
Card Type
Card Number
Expiry Month
Expiry Date
Click Next and review the payment details
Click Pay
Enter your VISA password and click next
For the successful transaction the booking will be created under the My Bookings -> Upcoming
If any transaction issues, the booking will go under the My Bookings -> Pending tab, we can
make the payment again by clicking Make Payment.
Figure: Payment via Cart
9.3 Booking via Home Page
Before login also we are able to book a service under Home page -> Our Services. From the list of
services choose any one and click Book Now then the application will be redirected to the location page.
By default it will be filled with current location details. If we want, we can change those location details.
Figure: Booking via Home page
Mandatory fields:
Select Location - The list of locations which is created by admin
Building Name
Figure: Selecting Location
Once filling the location details click Continue. If the rate is present for the location we have selected,
the application will redirect into that particular service booking page or else the application will raise an
alert message asWe are not providing this service in this location’.
Booking a service contains 4 sections listed below,
Service Details
Verify OTP
9.3.1 Service Details
Subcategories listed
Add-ons if present
Additional details
Once filled the service details click Next.
Figure: Service Details
9.3.2 Date & Time
Date calendar
Time slot
Once filled the Date & Time click Next.
Figure: Date&Time
9.3.3 Verify OTP
Give valid phone number and click ‘Send OTP’
Enter the OTP code and click ‘Confirm’
If the code is invalid the application will raise the error message.
For the valid code, the application will redirected into payment page
Figure: Verify OTP
9.3.4 Payment
Once we click Make Payment the application will be redirected into the Rosoom Payment page.
Once we select the credit card terms and conditions will get enabled.
Select terms and conditions and click Agree & Pay
Fill Your payment details
Card Type
Card Number
Expiry Month
Expiry Date
Click Next and review the payment details
Click Pay
Enter your VISA password and click next
For the successful transaction the booking will be created under the My Bookings -> Upcoming
If any transaction issues, the booking will go under the My Bookings -> Pending tab, we can
make the payment again using Make Payment.
Figure: Payment
Once a customer made a payment for the service, then in admin under “Customer Transactions” 1
record generated which along with “View Invoice” option.
9.4 Quick Booking
Quick booking option is available for 4 services as listed below
Cleaning Service
Disinfection Service
Deep Cleaning Service
Pest Control Service
Quick booking for cleaning service is explained here. It contains the below steps
Service Details
Date & Time
Verify OTP
9.4.1 Service Details
We need to choose the service category type, number of hours, number of professionals, cleaning
materials required or not. After selecting all the service details the service date page will come.
9.4.2 Service date
We need to select the service date and time for the quick booking.
9.4.3 Verify OTP
After selecting the service details and service date & time, the payment page will come. If the service
has any discount then the price will be calculated according to that discount.
Once we click ‘Proceed’, we need to enter the phone number and need to confirm with the OTP code.
Give valid phone number and click ‘Send OTP’
Enter the OTP code and click ‘Confirm’
If the code is invalid the application will raise the error message.
For the valid code, the application will redirected into payment page
9.4.4 Payment
Once we select the credit card terms and conditions will get enabled.
Select terms and conditions and click Agree & Pay
Fill Your payment details
Card Type
Card Number
Expiry Month
Expiry Date
Click Next and review the payment details
Click Pay
Enter your VISA password and click next
For the successful transaction the booking will be created under the My Bookings -> Upcoming
If any transaction issues, the booking will go under the My Bookings -> Pending tab, we can
make the payment again by clicking Make Payment.
Once a customer made a payment for the service, then in admin under “Customer Transactions” 1
record generated which along with “View Invoice” option.
9.5 Recurrent Booking
For Cleaning Service we have categories like weekly, Bi-weekly and multiple times in a week. For these
categories we are having recurrent booking options. Weekly category is explained here.
Booking a service contains 3 sections listed below,
Service Details
9.5.1 Service Details
We need to choose the service category type, number of hours, number of professionals, cleaning
materials required or not.
9.5.2 Date & Time & Day
For recurrent booking we are able to choose the multiple dates. Here we need to choose the
day also. According to the day the service will be booked.
Here Saturday is selected. For weekly option whichever dates are comes under saturday for
those days booking will be created.
9.5.3 Payment
There will be two payment options as mentioned below
Pay completely
Pay on installment
Pay completely - For the pay completely option all the bookings will be created and the
payment will be paid fully.
Pay on installment - For the pay on installment option the bookings will be created under the
active tab and the payment status will be pending. Using make payment option we can pay
Once a customer made a payment for the service, then in admin under “Customer Transactions” 1
record generated which along with “View Invoice” option.
10.0 Customer My Bookings
Here we are listing the bookings under 3 tabs as follows:
10.1 Active
The inprogress, upcoming and pending bookings will come under the active tab.
10.1 .1 Inprogress Bookings
Once the service person starts the service, the booking will come under here. If any checklists are
present for that particular service, it will be present under the View checklist. Track button is used to
track the service stats.
Figure: Active Bookings
Admin after assigned orders to vendor and vendor assigned the services to the respective staffs and
respective staffs should accept and start the service at the exact time of appointment start date & time.
So after being entered otp by the service staff, those kinds of status orders are listed under “Admin->
Order Management -> In Progress Orders”.
10.1.2 Upcoming Bookings
The successful payment bookings are listed here. By clicking the service name, we can see the booking in
detail. We can track and cancel the booking under this tab.
Figure: Upcoming bookings
All the paid orders by the customers and those all listed under Admin - Orders management - New
10.1.3 Pending Bookings
If the payment was pending or the transaction was unsuccessful, that particular booking will be listed
here. By clicking Make Payment the application will be redirected to the payment page.
Figure: Pending bookings
All the customer Not paid orders / payment failure orders are listed under “Admin -> Order
Management -> Pending” orders page.
10.2 Completed
The completed and buy again bookings will come under this tab.
10.2.1 Completed Bookings
The completed bookings are listed here. By clicking the service name, we can see the booking in detail.
By clicking BuyAgain we can book the same service again. The application will be redirected to
the payment page.
Review is used to give the rating for the service person and service quality.
Figure: Completed Bookings
10.2.2 Buy Again
The Rebooked bookings are listed here. Using the BuyAgain button we can book the same service again.
Figure: Buy Again
10.3 Cancelled
The unallotted, unprocessed, cancelled, cancellation initiated bookings will be listed under this tab.
10.3.1 Unallotted Bookings
When the service date and time met but still the service is not assigned to the vendor / staff then the
bookings status will change to unallotted and comes under this cancelled tab. The user can cancel /
reschedule the booking by clicking the cancellation booking button.
Figure: Unallotted bookings
The same allotted orders are moved to admin -> orders management -> Canceled orders.
10.3.2 Unprocessed Bookings
When the service date and time met but still the staff didn’t navigate to the customer location or the
staff didn’t start the service after navigating to the location then bookings status will change to
unprocessed and comes under this cancelled tab. The user can cancel / reschedule the booking by
clicking the cancellation booking button.
Figure: Unprocessed bookings
Such kind of unprocessed orders are moved to “Admin -> Orders management->Canceled orders page.
10.3.3 Cancellation Initiated Bookings
When the customer requests cancellation for the booking then the booking will come under this tab.
Figure: Cancellation initiated bookings
All those cancel initiated booking records are listed under “Admin -> Refunds page”.
10.3.4 Cancelled Bookings
When the admin completes the 3 levels of approval for the cancellation request then the bookings will
come under this tab.
Figure: Cancelled bookings
10.4 Booking filters
There are 3 filters in my bookings page as mentioned below.
10.4.1 Search filter
Using Booking reference and service date in search field we can filter the bookings
10.4.2 Status filter
By selecting the status field we can filter the bookings
10.4.3 Sort filter
The sort is working based on the booking service date.
11.0 Track my booking & Booking Details
11.1 Track My Booking
By clicking Track we can see the booking status. It has 6 stats as listed below
Service order processed.
Service staff assigned.
Service staff on the way.
Service started.
Service completed.
Service closed.
Figure: Track My Booking
11.2 Booking Details
By clicking on the service name in any of the 6 tabs, we can find that booking information in detail. The
booking details are listed below:
Appointment Information
Appointment Date
Appointment Time
Booking Reference
Location Information
Service Information
Service name
Additional Details
Service Person Information(If Assigned)
Overall Rating
Your Rating
Price Information
Figure: Booking Details
11.3 Dispute
For the completed service, we can raise a dispute. By clicking the service name under the completed
bookings tab, you can find the raise concern button under price information
Click Raise concern
Give your feedback and then send
Once dispute / complaints raised by the customer, then 1 dispute/complaints entry created in admin.
12.0 Cancel / Reschedule Booking
By clicking Cancel Booking, we will be having 2 options as follows
Reschedule Booking
Cancel and Refund
Figure: Cancel/Reschedule
12.1 Reschedule Booking
By clicking Reschedule Order, Date & Time will get pop up
Select date and time
Click Submit
Then the booking will be rescheduled for the selected date and time
Figure: Reschedule Booking
12.2 Cancel Booking
By clicking Cancel Booking, we need to give the reason for canceling the booking
The amount will be credited to the wallet within 48 hours.
We can use the wallet amount for booking via cart
Figure: Cancel and Refund
All the cancelled bookings by the customers are listed under “Admin -> Orders Management ->
Cancelled Orders”.
13.0 Customer Invoice
For the successful booking, the invoice will be generated in the admin page under Transaction.
Paid - Successful transaction and the booking will come under the upcoming tab for the
Pending - Transaction failed so the booking will come under the pending tab and the customer
needs to make payment again.
Figure: Customer Invoice
All the customer invoices entries are captured in admin under “Customer Transactions”.
14.0 Customer Wallet
Once we Cancel the Booking the admin needs to approve the refund process. After the admin approval
the amount will be credited to the customer Wallet. We can use the amount for booking via cart. The
wallet section contains the following details:
Refunded Date
Refund type
Transaction ID
Figure: Customer Wallet
Figure: Payment using Wallet amount
15.0 Vendor Sign Up
Vendor Sign up contains 3 details section, which is listed below,
Basic Info
Service Info
Provider Info
Basic Info :
Personal Details,
First Name
Last name,
Email address,
Phone Number,
Confirm Password,
Company name,
Service Info :
Company Information,
Number of business units,
Number of total staffs,
Capacity of orders per day,
Select Frequency : Daily | Weekly | Monthly,
What kind of service do you provide?
AC Duct Cleaning Service
Beauty and Grooming Service
Carpet Cleaning Service,
Cleaning Service,
Deep Cleaning Service
Disinfection Service
Dry Cleaning Service
Handy Man Service
Men's Salon Service
Moving and Packing Service
Pest Control Service
Sofa Cleaning Service
Women's Salon Service
Interested to list which services?
AC Duct Cleaning Service
Beauty and Grooming Service
Carpet Cleaning Service,
Cleaning Service,
Deep Cleaning Service
Disinfection Service
Dry Cleaning Service
Handy Man Service
Men's Salon Service
Moving and Packing Service
Pest Control Service
Sofa Cleaning Service
Women's Salon Service
Location Details,
Manual Address | Locate Me,
Building Name,
Street Name,
Town Name,
Select your country ( ONLY UAE country),
Provider Info:
Currently associated with other service providers?
Yes | No, IF Yes - the need to “Provider Name & Details”, NO - no need to give
Terms and conditions,
Once we filled all the required fields “Signup” button enabled. If any invalid details are found then the
application raises a validation error message. By clicking on the signup button then the vendor
successfully registered into Dpw World Security Service!
Vendor and Customer can give the same number, if the vendor wants to become a Customer or
Customer wants to become a Vendor, then they are allowed to enter the same phone number in sign up
as well as in profile page.
At the same time registered vendor, listed in admin under Vendor Management -> Vendor section.
Figure : Vendor Signup
All the registered vendors are captured in Admin -> vendor Management -> Vendors.
15.1 Vendor Login
Once a vendor registered into the Dpw, with the help of email id & password they can login into the
Before login into the application vendor should need to “Verify Their Email Address” before verifying
tried to login then vendor received “You have to confirm your email address before continuing.”
At the same time admin also should need to activate the vendor then only be able to login to the
application otherwise the vendor will receive “Your account is in deactivated status! Please contact the
support team”.
Once both above 2 processes are done then the vendor is allowed to login into the application!
Figure : Vendor Login
Once email id and password are valid then the vendor successfully logs into the application and they are
navigated to their Vendor Portal Dashboard. Here vendor when immediate login the order menu is b
default expanded with submenus list.
Figure : Vendor Dashboard / Vendor Portal
15.2 Forgot & Reset Password
Vendors who are all registered into the application are allowed to give a forgotten password, when they
forgot their password.
Figure : Forgot Password
For that they need to give a registered email id. Once the vendor receives the “Reset Password” email
can reset their password successfully!
Figure : Reset / Change Password
15.3 Vendor Dashboard
Vendors once logged in are directed to their Vendor Portal/ Dashboard. Dashboard contains the
overview of their orders, like about how many new orders, unassigned orders,completed orders,
rejected , canceled and staff assigned, inprogress orders and complaints.
How much they have earned through their services and how many refund orders. As well their staff
review performances and monthly based chart view it represents above mentioned orders. So the
dashboard gives a detailed idea of the orders and staff and vendor reviews.
Also vendors can search and see the orders based on date filters : Day based, Weekly based, Monthly /
Quarterly / Half yearly or Year wise!!!
Figure : Vendor Portal
15.4 Vendor Profile, Change Password and Service enable / remove request
15.4.1 Vendor Profile
All the registered & logged vendors are able to access their profile. During registering whatever
information given by the vendor, those details are automatically pre-filled in their profile page. Here
they can modify only Phone number, Service details and address details at any time and first name, last
name and email id not allowed to edit by the vendor.
Figure : Vendor Profile
15.4.2 Change Password
Vendors here also they can change their password, for that need 3 fields are required here,
Current Password,
New Password,
Confirm password,
Figure : Change Password
Once updated all 3 fields correctly then the application allows a user to change their password. In case if
any data is invalid then the application raises a validation error message.
15.4.3 Service Enable / Disable from Profile
Vendor whenever service is updated ( enabled / disabled) from their profile, then each time that request
is sent to the admin. Once admin reviewed and approved under “Admin - Vendor Management ->
Vendor -> Service Details Changed tab” then only the vendor is able to access that particular service
type related things (like creating pricing for the newly requested service etc.)
Figure : Vendor requested service approval by Admin
15.5 User Management
Vendors need to create a Service staff to offer the service for the assigned orders.
15.5.1 Staff Creation
By clicking on the “Create User” option navigate to add a driver / Finance / Operational user page.
Need to give below mandatory fields for adding a user,
Personal information,
First Name
Last name,
Email address,
Phone Number,
Confirm Password,
Role type : Operational | Financial | Service Staff,
Permit Pages,
Figure : Create a Driver / Staff / User
For this staff/driver have some set of pages permission, which means what are all the pages they can
access when they are in logged in status. While creating a service staff then staff code is generated and
using this staff code only drivers / staff are allowed to login to the Driver App.
All the created service staffs are listed in admin under “Admin -> Vendor Management -> Service Staff”.
15.5.2 Operational Staff
Operational staff team allocates the staff and if any cancellation request is raised by the customer, this
team reviews and accepts / rejects the cancellation refund request and will notify the Vendor & financial
teams. So in refund Level 2 approval is Operational team.
All the operational staff which are created by the vendor is listed in “admin ->Vendor management ->
Operational Staff.
15.5.3 Financial Staff
This team handles the finance information which includes the cancellation & refund process. Finance
manager will be the final round of refund approval after the customer service manager & operation
All the financial staff which are created by the vendor is listed in “admin ->Vendor management ->
financial Staff.”
15.5.4 Service Staff
Service staff provide services to the customer.
Vendors once created a Staff/ User then they will be notified via email along with their “Email Id,
Password & Confirmation link”. By default they are in Active status, once Staff confirms their account,
then they are allowed to login through the Driver App.
All the staff/user details are captured in Admin - Vendor Management - Service Staff.
Figure : List of Staff in Vendor User management
Inside “User Management” there can be another 2 sections. Which is used to identify the assigned staff
list & unassigned staff list.
15.5.5 Assigned Staff
Which means at least 1 service is assigned to the staff then that staff consider as “Assigned service
15.5.6 Unassigned Staff
Which gives staff that was created by the vendor but these staffs are not yet used for any orders / not
allocated any orders to them.
15.6 Pricing Management
Vendors should need to create a pricing for the services, then only admin can assign a vendor & vendor
assign a staff for providing a service to the customer. By clicking on the Pricing Management menu from
the left side menu vendor navigated to that page, here all the created pricing lists are displayed. By
clicking on “Create New Price” then the vendor is able to create a pricing for the available services alone.
For creating a pricing below fields are mandatory one,
Select services (all the services listed in a drop down),
Subcategory (drop down list)
Figure : Create Pricing
Once mandatory fields are filled by click on “Submit” then the vendor creates a pricing and it should be
less than the Vendor Max Price which is admin defined while creating a service type/rate.
Figure : Vendor Pricing management
Vendors can update/modify their pricing till admin accept/decline the pricing, once accepted / declined
then vendor not allowed to modify their created pricing. Vendor created pricing is captured in Admin ->
Vendor Management -> Pricing. Admin also can update a counter offer for vendor created pricing before
accept the vendor pricing.
15.7 Orders
All the orders captured under this Orders in vendor management.
All Orders
New Orders
Assigned Orders
In progress orders
Completed Orders
Cancelled Orders
Refunded Orders
In orders page vendors can filter the orders based on given Service types in a drop down. As well date
based & keyword based also vendors can search their orders.
Figure : Orders
15.7.1 All Orders
By the name itself it's clear “All orders”. It includes New, Assigned, Inprogress, Completed, Canceled,
Refunded and Watchlisted orders list.
Here vendors can search orders based on “Service wise” and “date wise”. Also vendors can sort the
newest and oldest orders.
15.7.2 New Orders
Vendors get a new order, first need to create a pricing under “Vendor - Pricing Management” and the
created pricing needs to be approved by admin then only admin can assign a vendor for the orders. Till
that vendor won't be listed under “Admin -> Orders Management -> New Orders.
As well as based on Service type, Service professionals are required : Ex : Cleaning service - customer
chosen 2 professionals then that particular should have 2 staff then only vendor name will be present
under Assign Vendor else vendor name won't be listed.
Once admin assigned vendors, then that order is said to be a New Order and it reflects in the vendor
dashboard -> New order. For each new order assigned, the vendor will receive a notification.
Here vendors can search orders based on “Service wise” and “date wise”. Also vendors can sort the
newest and oldest orders.
NOTE: Admin allowed to create a Counter offer which was submitted by the Vendor. After being
modified by the admin then that needs to be accepted/rejected by the Vendor.
15.7.3 Assigned Orders
Admin once assigned a vendor, the vendor should need to assign the staff for the service. Now that
particular staff either should accept | reject. If staff accepted then it said to be “Assigned Orders” and in
the vendor dashboard count increased by 1.
By clicking on “Eye Icon” the vendor can see the order details and inside assigned orders “Track” option
will be there. Here vendors can search orders based on “Service wise” and “date wise”. Also vendors can
sort the newest and oldest orders. Track Order
There are 8 steps of tracking order for Vendor. So vendors can easily know what is the current
status of the order and status of Service Staff.
Once service staff / driver accepted the order then 1st step tick mark enabled.
Once they click on “View Customer Location” option then the driver / staff can know
about the location details and start to go to the customer location. Before 3 hours from
the appointment start time, staff are allowed to navigate to customer locations.
Once reached customer location driver / service staff should need to hit on “Reached
location” then this tick mark gets enabled.
Once reached location, staff needs to enter the OTP to start the service, that too staff
allowed to enter OTP at the exact time of appointment start time & before the end
After OTP is verified, drivers need to proceed with their “Pre-checklist”.
At the time of service finished then staff need to complete a post checklist.
Once the post checklist is done, then the driver is allowed to complete the service, till in
between drivers are not allowed to take another service.
Based on the above process, the “Track” tick mark is enabled at each level.
Figure : Track Order by vendor
15.7.4 Inprogress orders
Once staff started to work then it was called “Orders in progress”. In this stage below status are
->On the way
->OTP entered by a service person which is collected from the customer at the spot.
->then Started to work & go-through the pre-checklist
Above all the status happens from Active Bookings in Customer Dashboard. Here vendors can search
orders based on “Service wise” and “date wise”. Also vendors can sort the newest and oldest orders.
15.7.5 Completed Orders
Staff once completed their services need to check the Post-checklist and below status needs to be
->Ended / Completed by the Driver/Staff
Once above done then this order moved from In-progress to Completed from vendor end at the same
from customer end it moved from ACTIVE to Completed. Here vendors can search orders based on
“Service wise” and “date wise”. Also vendors can sort the newest and oldest orders. At the same time in
admin end also based on each status orders moved to respective orders page.
15.7.6 Cancelled Orders
Orders moved to canceled status in the below way,
Customer booked service but before 30 mins from the appointment start time, admin did not
assign any vendors / it met the appointment start date & time then it moved to canceled status
with Unallotted status.
Admin assigned vendor but vendor not assigned to the staff/driver before 15 mins of
appointment start time, then it moved to canceled status.
Admin assigned vendor & vendor assigned staff/driver & driver too accepted the service but
NOT reached location & NOT entered OTP / started the service then it moved to Canceled with
Unprocessed status.
Customers paid & directly by themselves then it moved to canceled status.
Customers after cancelled their orders, then they can initiate “Refund” for their paid & canceled orders.
In above cases order is moved to canceled status in Vendor end, Customer end and Admin end. Here
vendors can search orders based on “Service wise” and “date wise”. Also vendors can sort the newest
and oldest orders.
15.7.7 Refunded Orders
Customers can raise “Refund” for their paid & canceled orders. For this there are 3 levels of approval.
1st level approval - by Customer service manager.
2nd level approval - by Operation manager,
3rd level approval - by Finance manager.
Refunded amounts should be added into customers' wallets. They can use this for future service
bookings. So all those refunded orders are moved to the “Refunded Orders” section in vendor end as
well as in admin end. For Credit wallet within 48 hours amount refunded to the customer wallet.
Based on the cancellation policy hours refund will be calculated, if not met then NO refund for the
customers. Here vendors can search orders based on “Service wise” and “date wise”. Also vendors can
sort the newest and oldest orders.
15.7.8 Watchlist
In watchlist orders, what all the assigned orders listed here,what all the orders are running with 1 hr
& less than 1hr then those are listed on the top of the page & highlighted with red color.,
followed by other assigned orders listed here.
Here vendors can search orders based on “Service wise” and “date wise”. Also vendors can sort the
newest and oldest orders.
16.0 Invoice Management
For vendors once the order reaches “Completed” status then based on vendor frequency : Daily |
Weekly | Monthly invoices are generated for their completed orders.
Figure : Vendor Invoice management
Invoice management contains invoice #, Billing period, No.of invoices, Type (Frequency), Total invoice
revenue, Paid date, Status, Action - View Invoice , Download Invoice, Approve (Initiated |Paid)
16.1 Vendor Frequency - Daily , Weekly, Monthly for Invoice Payout
Vendors can initiate the payout from the admin based on “Vendors Frequency” which is given
during vendor registration.
Daily : Which means, invoice generated for completed orders on a daily basis.
Weekly : invoices generated weekly once for their completed orders.
Monthly : Invoices are generated monthly once for the completed orders.
Admin is only person to modify the vendor frequency.
17.0 Earnings
For all the completed services, the vendor will earn the “Earnings”. All those completed orders
are listed under the earnings page which includes Booking reference, customer id, customer
name, Service name, service staff name, appointment date & time, location and earnings
Figure : Vendor Earnings
Vendors can search the services using booking reference numbers.
18.0 Reviews
Vendors can see their staff/driver reviews here. Which is given by the customer for driver given
services. By clicking on the “View” option in each service, vendors can see the staff
performance based on the reviews and it helps to improvise the staff works.
Figure : Staff Reviews
19.0 Reports
Vendor can pull the reports for the below mentioned modules, those contains only to the
respective vendor related orders report,
User Report - Which gives the staff, Operational team, finance team users report. How
many users are there under Vendor?
Pricing Report - Which gives, the total number of pricing offers created by the vendors
for all the services.
Reviews Report - How many reviews received from the customer.
Earning report - Based on the completed orders, how much the vendor gained the
Orders report - How many orders so far completed, this we can get it under the report
20.0 Bell Notification
For each activity, the vendor will receive notifications. Like New order assigned, Order accepted
by staff, Service staff goes offline, Service staff back to online, Order Unprocessed, Order
Unallotted etc.
Figure : Bell Notification